I am a long-standing advocate for our health and that of the planet.
I discovered that EVERYTHING is connected.
I am not there yet, does anyone ever get ‘there’? But I have transformed my life beyond all recognition! I no longer recognise that chronically depressed, pained woman who barely left her bed for two years.
In the year of the Coronavirus, 2020, I decided to share my story through ‘The Natural Wellness Journal’, a book to gently guide others through many of the techniques that I have used on my own self-healing path. Join me in the wonderful world of personalised, natural medicine and the associated miracles of the mind and body, including those I have chosen to train in EFT/Matrix Reimprinting, SOMA Breathwork and Infinite Breath. I cannot tell you how excited I am to have launched my Podcast “The Wellness Way with Philly J Lay”.
I am passionate in my beliefs that everything is connected and that when we learn to heal ourselves, we will help to heal this beautiful planet.