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Hello lovely people and thank you for being here!
I’m Philly, podcast host, natural wellness guide, EFT/Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Breathwork/Meditation Coach. Author of The Natural Wellness Journal, The Wellness Way: Your Natural Health Systems books and The Wellness Awakening meditation album, taking you on a journey from past lives to passing.
After a near-death medical procedure, years of PTSD, addiction to opioids and alcohol whilst ‘coping’ with grief, resulting in a range of chronic illnesses including a tumour in my throat, I discovered personalised natural medicine and the associated miracles of the body and power of the mind. I am a long standing advocate for our health and that of the planet, passionate in my belief that everything is connected. Read more about me here.
You can find all my work here and on the Shop Philly page, including The Wellness Way Fasterclass video series based on my first book, The Natural Wellness Journal and my Philly’s Kitchen series to learn some of my favourite seasonal recipes!